Mobile Communication and Service Lab
Research interest:
- Develop AI+IoT services
- Mobile network
- Wireless signal analysis
- Statistical learning
Nowadays, MCS Lab is dedicated to developing the personal identification, image recognition, speech recognition and data analysis which are based on IoT sensors. We also develop a system integrating with media stream, mobile communication, and users’ locations for vehicles and “Smart City.”
MCSLab實驗室成立於2008年,目前本實驗室以物聯網感測器為基礎,持續開發具身份辨識、影像辨識、語音辨識、數據分析、並整合串流媒體、行動通訊、使用者位置, 開發適用於車用環境及智慧城市的整合型系統。
Contact us
National Cheng Kung University
Room 92589
One University Rd
Tainan 701 Taiwan
Tel: +886-2757575 ext.62400-1708
WebMaster : 吳炯霖 azonwu590@gmail.com